Prairie GSP's
Janet & Tom Clark
36352 NS 4214 Road
 Inola, OK  74036
(918) 543-3645
(918) 605-7857 cell


 2003 Fall Litter has Arrived on  August 23, 2003!  

Kismet, i.e. Ch. Prairie's Classic Kismet, JH 

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Kismet and Emanuel are provide to announce their Kids have arrived, 7 males and 3 females.  Puppies will go to new homes in October, 2003.   Their Pictures are below.

Home video here....Puppy Video

The Sire of the litter is "Emanuel" 


 Emanuel vom Steinwitten,   D1 AZP1 VBR BTR SG                       

Although Emanuel has seven points towards his AKC Conformation Championship, he was evaluated as "SG" or Sehr Gut SG=Very Good in Zuchtschaus (breed show)  held to evaluate the conformation of the dogs according to the DKV breed standard.     He has earned the following German titles:  D1 or Derby Prize 1, AZP1 or Solms (AZP) Prize 1, VBR = Verlorenbringen(Recovery of game.), BTR . = Bringtreueprufung
(The retrieving reliability test.) 
He will competing for his KS title in the near future.  Emanuel's sister has obtained her KS, and is an International Champion, and was featured on the cover story of Dog Fancy in 2002.  A brief summary of the German Titles in the DKV system are below for your review and understanding.   



"Emanuel" was carefully chosen to reinforce our goals in breeding, i.e. maintaining the breed standard and producing conformationally correct dogs with strong instincts and natural ability.   This line-breeding between Emanuel and Kismet emphasizes the Hege-Haus and Pottsiepen lineage, as well as highlights the qualities produced by WS Ciro KS Vom Bichtelwald.

We were so pleased with the Quality of Pups produced from last years Litter of "Dazzle", i.e. Prairie's Razzle Dazzle JH (Kismet's Full Sister/ittermate) & "Emanuel",  i.e.   Emanuel vom Steinwitten,   D1 AZP1 VBR BTR,  SG we decided to repeat that breeding and again go back and capture Ciro, i.e. WS CIRO V. BICHTEWALD and incorporate the Hege-Haus lineage in our planned breeding of Kismet's.    

D1 or Derby Prize 1

This is the test for puppies born after the first of October of the year before last. It is basically a natural ability test and is held only in the spring.     Derbies are field trials for youngsters approxiamately 12 months of age.  They are designed to test "search" (hunting ability) and "nose" (scenting ability) plus enthusiasm and style.  Steadiness, whilst desirable, is not essential at this stage.  You will see a "D" followed by a number. This stands for Prize 1,2 or 3 which is what is awarded based on the pup's performance if he passes the test. A pup may enter more than one Derby and each result will be recorded on the pedigree.)

AZP1 or Solms (AZP) Prize 1, 

S =Solms Held in the autumn of the same year as the Derby, this test is the next level up from the Derby. A number indicating that the dog was awarded a Prize 1,2, or 3 will follow the "S". The Solms may be entered more than once, and each result will be recorded on the pedigree.

AZP = Alterszuchtprufung
This is the "Older Dog Breeding Test" and is basically a trial for dogs that for some reason were unable to be tested in a Solms test. The rules are the same as for the Solms, but a higher level of performance is expected in consideration of the dog's age. These dogs should not be over 6 years old.
  In order to be eligible to participate in the Dr. Kleeman Trial, a dog must have been awarded prizes in Derby and Solms Tests, or in the AZP.)

 VBR = Verlorenbringen

Recovery of game. Requires trailing and retrieving a hare over a distance of about 300 meters. while the trail is still warm but the dog has not seen the game.

BTR . = Bringtreueprufung
The retrieving reliability test. This requires finding a fox placed in undergrowth at least 3 hours previous to the test. The dog is released at least 150 yds. from the fox and must search with no help from the handler.


Sehr Gut SG = Very Good in Zuchtschaus (breed show)  held to evaluate the conformation of the dogs according to the DKV breed standard.  


When I first Met Emanuel, He greeting me in a calm but friendly manner, then proceeded to Pointing the Rabbit until we drew him away from it!!

We have One Special Male Pup Available from this litter.

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Prairie's Buster Brown

  Pup #5 from Kismet x Emanuel

buster brown faceWeb.jpg (111180 bytes)
buster brown face 2web.jpg (130916 bytes) Prairie's Buster Brown is a bright pup who is crate trained and house trained.  He has learned to sit, waits at the door, and has learned not to jump up on people if he is gently reminded.   His pointing skills include birds and cats!  He has mastered the art of couch cuddling,  plays catch with a ball, and enjoys his toys.     There are days he drags so many of them into his crate I wonder how he has room to sleep!  

He is living happily in Arizona!

These puppy pics below were taken on 11/02/03

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Female pup #2, "Prairie's Twinkle Little Star" Female pup #2, "Prairie's Twinkle Little Star"
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Female pup #2, "Prairie's Twinkle Little Star" Male Pup #3 "Jackson" lives in Texas
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Pup #3 "Jackson" lives in TX Pup #3 "Jackson" lives in TX
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Pup #5 Prairie's Buster Brown lives in Arizona Pup #5 Prairie's Buster Brown lives in Arizona
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Pup #5 Prairie's Buster Brown lives in Arizona Pup #9 "Odin" happily lives in MO      

Lyle's family's pride and joy, destined to do it all!            Lyle says "the best dog prairie ever produced"

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Pup #9 "Odin" lives in MO

Lyle's family's pride and joy, destined to do it all!

Pup #9 "Odin" lives in MO

Lyle's family's pride and joy, destined to do it all!

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Pup #10 "Shadow" lives in Minnesota Pup #10 "Shadow" lives in Minnesota
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Pup #10 "Shadow" lives in Minnesota

These Puppy Pictures were taken at 56 days of age.    Please forgive our photography skills!!  These pictures were taken after the pups had their supper, as the sun was setting.   

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Male Pup #1 "Dexter" lives in PA Male Pup #1 "Dexter" lives in PA
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Male Pup #1 "Dexter" lives in PA Female Pup #2 "Twinkle" is our newest addition to our family "Prairie's Twinkle Little Star"
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Female Pup #2 "Twinkle" is our newest addition to our family "Prairie's Twinkle Little Star" Female Pup #2 "Twinkle" is our newest addition to our family "Prairie's Twinkle Little Star" 
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Male Pup #3 Jackson lives in TX Male Pup #3 Jackson lives in TX
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Male Pup #3 Jackson lives in TX Female Pup #4 "Sue Ellen" lives in TX
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Female Pup #4 "Sue Ellen" lives in TX Female Pup #4 "Sue Ellen" lives in TX
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Male Pup #5 "Buster Brown"  Male Pup #5 "Buster Brown" 
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Male Pup #5 "Buster Brown"  Male Pup #6 "Fred" lives in OK
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Male Pup #6 "Fred" lives in OK Male Pup #6 "Fred" lives in OK
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Male Pup #7 "Pancho" lives in TX Male Pup #7 "Pancho" lives in TX
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Male Pup #7 "Pancho" lives in TX Female Pup #8 "Gracie" lives in MO
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Female Pup #8 "Gracie" lives in MO Female Pup #8 "Gracie" lives in MO
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Male Pup #9 "Odin" lives in MO Male Pup #9 "Odin" lives in MO
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Male Pup #9 "Odin" lives in MO Male Pup #10 "Shadow" lives in MN
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Male Pup #10 "Shadow" lives in MN Male Pup #10 "Shadow" lives in MN
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Kismet before Whelping Kismet with her newborn pups
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Kismet's tired face! Puppy Pile!
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Pups as newborns! Pups at 1 day of age
A pup from our Spring litter comments for Kismet's pups on their opinion of pictures!


Kismet is a tremendously happy dog, still likes to chase reflections and butterflies!   She is tireless in the field, and also an avid retriever.  She finished her Championship with a tailwagging pose, being awarded her final major for her distinct "German" Shorthair appearance, and took Best Of Opposite Sex over a finished Champion.  Kismet  is sired out of K.S. Kristian Vom Pottsiepen, a German import, her dam is my Terra girl featured on my "foundation" page, Ch. Tuckoma's Prairie Vixen, who is sired by "Trekker", i.e. Dual Ch/AFC Trekker V. Grunbaum, UDX, TDX, MH, MX, AXJ  Trekker is the highest titled dog ever in GSP history.  He is a Dual Field and Conformation Champion, American Field Champion, Utility Dog Excellent, Tracking Dog Excellent, Master Hunter, Master Agility Excellent, and Agility Excellent Jumper.  .Kismet's Great Grandfather is Hustler, i.e. Dual Champion Hillhaven's Hustler, all time top producer of Dual champions in GSP history.    Kismet's other Great Grandfather is  "Zobel"   Zobel was a German import and better known as , Int. World Ch. & K.S. Zobel vom Pregelufer.  He was the Sire of: 38 Show Champions (U.S.) #8 All-Time Top Producing Show Sire, #6  All-Time Top Producing Hunting Sire,  #10  All-Time Top Producing Obedience Sire, and 1989-90 GSPCA Show Dog Sire of the Year .  Zobel is sired out of Ciro, i.e. WS CIRO V. BICHTEWALD  is also Kismet's Great Great Great Grandfather on Kristian's side, i.e. he sired Linda KS Vom Hege-Haus and Libelle KS Vom Hege-Haus and Adda Vom Meerbach.  

This breeding of Kismet and Emanuel compliments both the Hege-Haus lineage as well as the Pottsiepen and Ciro V Bichtewald lineage.  

Kismet x Emanuel Pedigree


  Please contact us if you are interested in a puppy from this breeding.  We are currently accepting deposits.  We are not planning another litter to go to homes in 2003.  


Our Guarantee

Our dogs and puppies are unconditional guaranteed against genetic defects, as well as a general health guarantee.